Thursday, January 31, 2008
Pet Insurance
With pet insurance my cats and dogs are covered with a reliable promise that no matter what should happen to them, they will be taken care of by a trained and knowledgeable vet who cares about their health. So if any of my pets happen to suddenly fall ill or involved in an accident of some sort I know that with pet insurance behind me I do not have to worry about anything and I can focus my attention on my beloved animal and their well being.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Finding a Cape Town vet
The value of a good vet is something that should not be underestimated. If you live in Johannesburg or in Cape Town, vet assistance is invaluable to making sure that your animal is receiving the right treatment for whatever their health needs may be. So when you are looking for a vet for your animals ask around and find out from neighbors, friends or family members who live in the same area as you do where they take their pets. Very often you will hear about how great a certain vet is and that they are so impressive because they treat pets with general love and care. Vets do care about your animals and their health needs and are interested and dedicated to ensuring that your animal is given the best quality of life possible with careful attention their specific needs.
In bigger cities vets are rather prolific, Cape Town vets are easy to find and are to be found from the northern suburbs right to down the Atlantic seaboard to the Southern suburbs. If you are moving from one area to another you could even speak to current vet a bout referring your to one in your new area.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Animal Adoption
If you are not too concerned about the specialized breed of your pet then you could even pay a visit to an animal rescue centre. Animal rescue centers take in animals that are found after having been abandoned by their owners, they take in kittens and puppies that are newly born and unwanted by the owner of the parents and the centers also take in lost or injured animals – so they are also a good place to start looking if your pet has gone missing. In South Africa there are a number of animal centers from the SPCA, TEARS, DARG and a few privately run centers by devoted animal lovers.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Animal Safety
By following your instincts as a loving and caring pet owner you can increase your pet’s safety and thus their overall quality of life with dramatic results. This means that through vigilance and by keeping an eye on all things related to your pet and their well being, you can know that their health is taken care of because it is in your loving and reliable hands.
Health insurance is an extremely helpful and easy way of adding to your animal safety nets. So by keeping informed about pet health matters, by covering your pet’s health needs with pet insurance and by getting and following good veterinary advice your pet’s life can be notably and effectively enhanced and protected in the best possible ways.
Friday, January 25, 2008
MediPet Pet Insurance
A pet’s personality is what makes them so precious to us and their charms, and characters, and those well known ‘puppy dog eyes’ – that even some cats seem to master – are what creep into our hearts and creates an extra special kind of bond between us and our beloved pets. And because our cats and dogs have such a special place within our hearts and lives it is plainly obvious that we would do all we could to make sure that our animals are looked after and care for in the proper and best ways. With Medipet if your cat or dog is a rare and special breed or if your pet is simply special to you, you can cover them reliably with great pet insurance.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Labrador Breed Profile
Looking for a new pet and that extra special addition to the family means that you will take a few things into consideration before you choose your new dog. Along with the practical side of your available home space and the time you can spend with the dog you could also be quite particular about the type or breed of dog that you choose to take home with you. Labrador Retrievers make the ideal dog for home and family life – they are playful as puppies and tend to keep their sprightly exuberance right through into their older age.
Labrador Retriever puppies come in two breeds – the English Labrador, which is heavier and thicker and the American Labrador which is tall and lanky. Labs – as they are more affectionately referred to – also come in a few colour varieties. The best known of which is probably the golden colour, but there are also solid black and chocolate varieties. The Labrador Retrievers are well known for their amazing swimming capabilities, their strong muscular bodies and thick otter-like tails and larger feet all add to their attributes as good swimmers and energetic dogs that enjoy a range of good physical activity.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Kittens: the Rex Breed profile
Known to be very affectionate cats the Rexes are typically also known to show certain dog-like qualities in their affection towards their owners, they will follow you around and even go after to retrieve toys. Distinctively elegant their strongest features are their long and elegant looking paws and toes which also serves to help make them the extremely playful and agile cats that they are. Along with their agility they are very active and playful cats from their young days as kittens right into their older ages.
Within the Rex breed of cats there are also more specific cat types – some of these are the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex and the Selkirk Rex. All of which share the trait of short and luxurious fur. Their fur is short, soft and curly and their fragile and soft exterior belies there muscular build and innate strength. The fur is extraordinarily soft and luxurious to the touch, and touching the fur of Rex has even been described as feeling like touching crushed velvet. From early on in life as kittens the Rex is a cat that seeks out constant companionship and playmates. As an owner you will get hours of affection and playtime from a loyal and loving breed.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pet Insurance
If you also happen travel a lot you will also be sure to have a pet that can either be looked after for the time you are away or have a pet that is suited to travelling around with you. Making sure that your cat or dog’s health is well covered should they happen to fall ill or are involved in an unpredictable accident is also a great way of securing your good responsibility as a pet owner. Pet insurance makes all of this easy to cover and with your pet’s health taken care of your can enjoy those outdoor adventures or lazy weekends, and restful evenings at home with the cat or dog that makes you most happy to have a pet.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pet Grooming
Friday, January 18, 2008
Grooming Parlour tidbits
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The results are in!
The results are in! The question: how often do you bath your dogs?
28% say once every two weeks
57% say once a month
14% say never
Although your dog can lick himself and keep himself somewhat clean, bathing your dog is an important part of your pet routine. Not only is a bath a great way to keep your pet smelling and looking great, but most dogs can have a lot of fun with their owners when having a bath too.
How often should you bath your dog?
There are many different breeds and types of dogs, and each breed will enjoy different activities - the best rule of thumb to employ here is to bath your dog when he or she starts to smell a bit. Help them to get rid of the dirt and both you and your pooch will feel great. Be careful not to bath your dog too often, or they will lose their skin's natural oils which help to keep them clean.
Things to remember
-You should always brush out your dog's coat before giving them a bath, this will make the whole process a lot easier for both of you.
-Always make sure that you use a special doggy shampoo that helps to make your dog's coat shiny and healthy, and will help to replace lost oils or nutrients.
-Put a rubber mat in the bottom of your dog bath so that your pup doesn't go slipping and sliding all over the place. He may just think that outside is a lot more appealing than inside the tub!
-When bathing outside, choose a nice warm spot that isn't near any sand or mud so that your dog can stay nice and clean once you've finished washing him.
-For interest's sake, you can get a special dog towel that absorbs a lot more water than our ordinary bath towels do, and can get your pooch clean and dry in no time! This is the perfect option for stressed dog owners who hate wet dog marks on their furniture, or dislike having to bath a dog twice after he has just rolled in some dirty sand!
Don't forget to vote in this week's poll!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Animal Help
Medipet offers you and your animal reliable insurance that is suited to either cats or dogs and will cover your pet for their entire lifespan and will make your life as a pet owner that much easier while ensuring that your pet will be taken care of by qualified and expert vets when and wherever it is needed, without you having to worry about the financial cost.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Pet Blog
If you are wanting to share information, read up on information or even just comment on something, the ideal way to do it all now days is through a blog. And with the Medipet pet blog you can read up on anything regarding Medipet’s health insurance packages and all other interesting facts and comments regarding cats and dogs. You can even comment yourself and send through queries about your pets and get sound and good advice from reliable sources. Medipet will ensure that you are well informed about your pet’s health needs and your insurance options so that you care able to make a decisive and well informed decision about taking out pet insurance and the needs of your cat or dog’s respective health.
Monday, January 14, 2008
So for any questions, shared ideas or advice or for any faq on pet insurance with Medipet give the Medipet website a visit at www.medipetsa.co.za. And if your need information that is more specific do not hesitate to make contact with Medipet.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Puppy Adoption
Do remember that once you have find your puppy and decide to take the step into puppy adoption it is now your responsibility to make sure that your new pet is looked after in every way that is needed. So when you are adopting your puppy it is the ideal time to consider insurance packages and to take out reliable pet insurance that will confidently share the responsibility with you in taking proper care of your new dog’s health.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Pet Health Insurance
Something to look out for when you are taking out health insurance for your pet is the added incentives and be sure to know beforehand just what your cat or dog will be covered for. Speaking to your cat or dog’s vet is a good way to find out just what you may need from a an insurance package – whether your pet is a young animal or whether they are already a little older a vet will be able to advise you on the necessary precautions and things to look out for regarding your pet’s health and this will help you when it comes to choosing the right insurance for your cat or dog’s health needs as well as the right package for your financial benefit
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Animal Health
Finding any illnesses or other ailments in your animal’s health earlier rather than later will mean that medical treatment can be started straight away and you can save your cat or dog a lot of discomfort and even pain while saving yourself and your family the pain of seeing our pet very ill or in pain. This also means that by keeping a constantly watchful eye on your cat or dog you will be saving on medical and veterinary bills and will be able to save yourself from the anguish of wishing your had caught anything troubling your pet a lot sooner.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Great pet advice
Along with health specific advice many vets are now also advising pet owners to take out pet health insurance as cover for their pets. The pet insurance means that the vet is assured of being paid what is owed to him or her after having taken care of your animals well being and so gives the vet security as well your pet – who will be assured of health cover from a reliable and trustworthy vet, while the insurance also protects you in that your financial situation is not vulnerable to any unexpected accidents, illnesses or other visits to the vet regarding your animal and their health.
Pet insurance offers a situation where all the parties involved in looking after your pet will benefit. It is an all round win-win situation that keeps you secure, your pet healthy and your channel to good vet advice open.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Pet Adoption
So whether you are thinking of adoption, are searching for a missing cat or dog, or are happily sitting at home with your pet it is important to remember that you can prepare ahead for the safety of your pet.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Pet accidents
Caring for your cat and dog and seeing them healthy and happy is a large part of the joy of having a pet and whether our cats or dogs are in an accident or if they fall ill, it is extremely relieving to know that we do not have to be concerned with vet bills and with having to find the money to pay for all our pet’s medical needs right then and there. With monthly payments that cost as little as R125 per month for dogs and R115 for cats pet accidents can be financially covered and cared for. This leaves us the time to take care of our animals with full attention and focus when they are most in need of it.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Pet Kennels
Most catteries and kennels offer both indoor and outdoor facilities, depending on your and your pet’s preferences. So if your cat is used to staying inside they can still have the comforts they are used to and an outdoor option if needed. Also if you have more than one animal they can often be kept together, this helps in them feeling safe and will ease how much they miss you and their usual home surroundings. Sending a blanket or something that will remind them of you or of home will also make their stay away from home a little easier while you enjoy your time away.
If however you are unable to care of your pets for a time due to illness you can have the same assurance that your cat or dog will be cared for by a kennel or cattery, or even a pet sitter which will be covered by your Medipet pet insurance.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Pet Health in the New Year
We can make sure that they are eating the right foods, in the correct amounts while also taking our dogs for regular walks and making sure that they are getting the exercise that they need. But on top of this we know that there are certain things that we cannot protect our cats and dogs from. This is where the benefit of health insurance comes into play. For those unpredictable accidents, illnesses and visits to the vet it is a huge relief to know that while you are fussing over your pet your vet bills are being taken care of by your pet’s health insurance.