Friday, February 29, 2008
Remember your vet in times of need
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Medipet Insurance
With Medipet insurance your cat’s health and your dog’s health is well taken care of and will be covered without any financial strain being placed onto you. When you take out pet insurance for your animal you only have to think about the monthly payments, which with Medipet are kept as affordable as possible without having to compromise on your pet’s cover. With Medipet insurance your cat will be covered with great health insurance at only R115 per month and your dog will be covered at only R125 per month and if you take out cover for more than one animal you will get a 10% discount on your total monthly payment which makes taking care of your pet’s health a whole lot easier!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pet Blogs
Good information is vital to ensuring that you are giving your pet the best that you can possibly offer them. This means that when you have a question or are looking for tips or some extra pet related information you can find it instantly and with ease by reading through a pet blog. Information in these blogs can range from the right foods to feed your pets to the best available information on the top medical pet health insurers in the market. Because when it comes to looking after your pet you need to know that they will be taken care of in the best of ways in all aspects of their lives. A pet blog allows you to ask questions while providing invaluable information about your cat or dog’s health needs - just like this blog. So send us an email if you need any assistance with your pet, and we'll do our best to provide you with all of the answers!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A pet insurance package you can rely on
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cat Health
Finding out from your vet what foods are best for your animal to eat means that you can start protecting your cat or dog from the inside. Good nutrition is the basic element to making sure that your pet is physically able to handle the rigours of everyday pet life and will have enough energy to sustain them from day to day. Other advantages of good foods are that your pet will develop and grow and age with the right nutrients for all of the right stages. While good food provides for all their physical nutritional demands you can take care of their other dog and cat health needs such as daily exercise and grooming when and where it is necessary. When you are looking for specific advice feel free to ask Medipet for any vet, animal and insurance related information.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Pet adoption
A good place to start out is your local pet rescue centre they will often have a range of animals from young dogs or cats to new born kittens and pups. If you are looking for an older animal you are sure to find older animals there too. Talk to your nearest SPCA, DARG or TEARS about the animals that they have and find out from animal associations from vets about animal breeders if you are interested in finding a specific breed of cat or dog for adoption.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Kittens and their nutrition
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Johannesburg Vet
When you move from one city to another do remember that your Medipet pet health insurance covers your cat and/or dog no matter what city in the country you are moving to. So whether you are moving to or leaving Johannesburg you are sure to get plenty of helpful advice from your Johannesburg vet and you can rest assured that your pet will still be reliably covered with Medipet insurance.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Animal Help: what you didn't know about chocolate and your pet
Just some informative findings
Here is something that you might find interesting: the Cape Province Dog Club has a range of informative articles on their website that their skilled operator has put together for dog owners. Some of the topics include what to do when your dog is digging, how to choose a dog breed and breeder, food guarding and harnesses. Although we cover many of those topics here ourselves, it is always interesting to see what other professionals have to say! You can check out their website at www.capeprovincedogclub.co.za. You can simply follow the navigation links on the bottom of the screen when you get to their fun website.
You can also find out more about their Doggy Day Camp and a range of other exciting activities that they coordinate each year. It is always a lot of fun to join a social club like the Cape Province Dog Club, and it has very positive effects on the training and upcoming of your own puppy or dog.
Be sure to check their site out, it has some interesting articles that may be what you have been searching for. Don't forget, you can email our qualified nurse vet right here at MediPet for all of the pet help that you might need! email us at medipet@gmail.com!
Have a great week ahead pet lovers!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Animal Antics
Talk About Gorgeous: little Izzie
had her for less than a week, but have already established a few definitive
character traits, such as her penchant for spicy flavours (she goes crazy when
she smells paprika and pesto), her incredible dislike of Angelina
Jolie, and her wanton appetite for ribbons, shoes, and any stray fingers
that should happen to cross her path.That's a whole lot of personality! Thanks for sending us the photographs! :-)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Animal Safety
- Find a good and reliable vet that you feel comfortable with and are prepared to entrust with your animal’s safety
- Take you cat or dog for regular annual check ups with your vet. This check up is likely to be best to coincide with trips to the vet for your pet’s necessary shots, which are generally given every two years to protect them from viruses and other bugs that could get into their systems
- Make sure that your pet does not have free running access to roads and try to keep them within the gates or walls of your property where possible
- Feeing your animal the right foods that is specifically suited an animal diet and nutritional needs can do wonders for the safety of your animal’s health
- Making sure that your dog is well trained to listen to you is also a great way of ensuring better safety for your animal
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Pet Accidents
Our beloved cats or dogs being involved in a pet accident is the last thing we want to think about but by preparing for any possible injuries now you can make the future health needs of your animal secure and set your mind at ease all at the same time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pet Shop know how
However pet shops are about more than just incredibly cute toys, you could find helpful information from pet shops about your cat or other pet too. You could find other pet related products such as collars with nametags to help you in finding your pet should they ever go missing, while keeping in mind the assistance that you will get from Medipet in searching for your animal if they did ever go missing. You could find flea shampoos, animal edible treats, scratching posts, animal fur brushes, beds, animal blankets and even cat travelling boxes that come in handy should you need to take your animal with you when you are either moving or travelling somewhere.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Pet Picture
Fleas strike back!
Flea shampoos can be very effective and fast ways of getting rid of you flea problem but not all animal take very kindly to being dumped into a bath full of water. If your cat or dog can handle a bath then this is probably your best bet. If your animal is not one for baths you could give flea powders or sprays a try. Not all animals like the sound of the spray so you may need to drop the liquid onto them instead. And for something fast and easy you could even try anti-flea tablets that your pet must ingest.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Health Insurance
By having animal health insurance for your pet means that you do not have to be concerned about the immediate costs of vet bills. The bills are covered by your monthly payments and your choice of insurance package.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Litter Box Know How
There are a wide range of choices when it comes to your animal’s litter box. You can choose from sand to fine stone gravel to silicone stones to lay out as the filler and absorber in your litter tray. Generally placement is also an aspect that you need to consider as it must be out of the way but still be comfortably accessible to your pet – putting it in the bathroom or on a veranda may be a good idea.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Dog Food - things to look out for
Having a pet sometimes may feel as though you have a child rather than an animal. But this can be a good thing more often than it is troublesome or irritating. Your pet is your lifeline and your ultimate friend so when they are fussing or acting up a bit take the time to see just what it is that they need… or want. Keeping a watchful eye on your cat and dog food is a great way to make sure that your pet is feeling good and healthy. When your cat or dog stops eating, changes their eating habits or just starts eating notably less food, then you know that something may be wrong or troubling them. When we feel ill or slightly off we change our eating habits according to our feelings and animals seem to be no different when they feel otherwise.
By watching for changes in your animal’s more usual habits you can be constantly aware of their changes and so by keeping an eye on your dog’s dog food and your cat’s cat food you can very quickly and simply pick up when they are ill or just not feeling quite their usual vibrant selves.
Monday, February 4, 2008
A Valentine's Day Treat for your special pet
Other than cat and dog cushions there are many other ideas and gifts both practical and fun that you could get for your beloved animals on this Valentine’s Day. A gift that could serve both you and your pet is a good and reliable pet insurance package. You could look at gifts such as toy mice for your energetic kitten, a new ball for your lively dog or you could opt for an extra and enjoyable food item or two, like a good juicy bone for your dog or an extra tit bit of food here and there for you cat. Check out MediPet insurance for your pet and give the only gift that keeps on giving.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Cat Food F.A.Q.
If you are unsure about the food to be feeding your cat talk to your vet or don’t hesitate to contact Medipet for advice on the right cat food to be feeding your animal.