This is the first of what we hope to be a very successful blog spot for South African pet owners and pet lovers. This will provide a great environment to find hints and tips for your cats and dogs, as well as get great advice from other pet owners and veternarians.
Send us your stories, questions, pictures and more to and we will do our very best to answer every single email that gets sent! We'll also publish your stories, hints, tips and pet pictures so that everyone can share in your good times!
Bookmark this site and check back often so that you can keep up to date on what's happening in your area and get all of the latest news every day. Also, keep us up to date on pet related events in your area so we can share it with everybody else! Just send us an email and we'll post it up right here.
Start sharing your stories today with just a simple email - click, click, and you're done.
Happy Blogging