Your animal’s doctor knows just how to take good care of your animal’s health. They can identify any potential health hazards, spot any irregularities in your cat or dog and can even give you good practical advice on taking care of your cat or dog. And when your pet is ill or injured there is no one better to take care of their health than a qualified and understanding vet. But the one draw back of this reliability is the potential costs of medical treatment.
There are certain veterinary visits that you can be financially prepared for – such as your cat or dog’s annual shots and other routine check ups, but for those unexpected visits to the vet it is good to know that you and your pet can be covered by Medipet health insurance. Having a partner in taking care of your pet’s health can make the job a lot easier.
Medipet offers you nationwide coverage and the use of any vet countrywide. Cover is up to R25 00 per year and with no specified limits you can be assured that no matter what your emergency or need is to see your pet’s doctor, your pet is covered by general and reliable medical insurance.