We all like to try new things, new exciting dishes and recipes and a little change in the regular routine diet can do wonders to perk up any appetite or interest in food. When it comes to your cat, their cat food need be no different. So here is a great new idea for a cat food recipe that will get your cat’s taste buds roaring!
Instead of cracking open a tin of the usual processed cat food try cooking for your cat once in a while just to keep their food interesting. Cat’s usually go crazy over fish, so get hold of a nice piece of mackerel or haddock (usually the stronger the smell of the fish the better!) and cook it up in the pan with a dash of oil, the smell alone will have your cats purring and possibly even meowing with watering mouths. Once cooked break the fish up into little pieces and allow it to cool off. You can also add stock or jelly or even gravy to their new meal just to make their new cat food experience all that more special!
You do not have to feed your cats like royalty everyday but once in a while a nice cat food treat would gladly be appreciated!