Finding the right Durban vet for your pet is a very important choice and finding a Durban vet in good time, whether it be for emergencies or for specialist medical treatment is crucial to the well being of your pet. Whether you live in Durban, have recently moved or if you and your family are on holiday with your pets in Durban then you will need to have or find a reliable vet that is in reasonably good proximity to wherever you and your pets are staying.
A trustworthy way to find a vet if you are going on holiday or if you have recently moved, is to ask your vet back home if they could recommend a Durban vet. You could also chat to your new neighbours and find out where they take their pets and scope out the various Durban vets in the area you are living in.
If you are planning on a holiday in Durban and are taking your pets with you then your best option would be to know ahead of time of needing a vet where you can find one. Here are a few useful Durban vet contact numbers to help you find a vet where and when you need one:
SPCA: 031 579 6500
Durban North Veterinary Clinic. 031 564 2338
Glenashley Veterinary Clinic. 031 562 8406