Tracy Forte, President
It is with great sadness that the Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre issues this press release.
Wet Nose welcomes public support at the trial to ensure that this beautiful animal did not die in vain.
Muffin, the Great Dane rescued by Inspector Le Roux and the Wet Nose team on 6 May 2008, passed away on Friday 6 February 2009.
Just 10 months ago, Muffin the “Gentle Giant” as he became known, was found on a plot in Pretoria North, comatose, dying a painful, lonely death as a result of malnutrition, dehydration and total neglect. His former owner’s abuse was widely covered by the media and caused an unprecedented uproar from animal lovers in South Africa and abroad.
Vets at Valley Farm Animal Hospital joined with Wet Nose staff in a feverish bid to save Muffin’s life. Everyone believed that this special dog deserved a chance to live and know love. After three weeks in High Care at Valley Farm Animal Hospital, Muffin was discharged and placed in the foster home of Norman and Anne Jackson. His liver and kidneys had been so damaged from the sustained abuse inflicted on him, that Dr Tim Kraft noted that his life expectancy would be two years maximum. Royal Canin sponsored special liver food for life and presented Muffin with a beautiful red bed and special hamper on the day.
Wet Nose pressed charges of animal abuse against his previous owner under the Animal Protection Act.
Muffin received the Wet Nose ISAR Award on 3O August 2008 at Homeless Animals Day for his remarkable courage and fighting spirit in terms of his recovery – he just didn’t give up.
What a beautiful sight he was at Homeless Animals Day! He had gained weight and condition. Visitors flocked to meet the “Gentle Giant” and e-mails of support streamed in from far and wide. But the abuse had taken it toll. Although Muffin was flourishing with the love and attention from his foster family, the internal organ damage was irreparable. Everyone agreed that rehabilitating him and restoring his faith in human beings was some consolation. (Muffin attended church with Norman and Anne on Sundays and became an honourary member of the church.
He even gained a godmother, Lyn Gardener.)
In the beginning of February 2009 Muffin’s body started failing, although his will to live was so strong. Muffin spent three days in hospital on a drip and, as Tim Kraft didn’t think Muffin would survive the night, he was discharged to spend time with his family. Yet again, Muffin surprised everyone by pulling through. At 9h00 on Friday, 6 February, ten months to the day of his rescue, Wet Nose staff joined his family to hear what his prognosis for recovery was. The test results indicated that he was dying. Nothing more could be done for the Gentle Giant, and to end his suffering, it was decided to take him back home.
He was surrounded by the people who loved him when the vet administered the injection to end his life.
What a sad day for all whose lives he had touched! The only consolation was that Muffin had held on to life and fought so hard to finally know love and human compassion.
The trial date for Muffin’s previous owner is set down for 9h00 on Friday 13 February 2009 at the Pretoria North Magistrates Court. Wet Nose has vowed to go for the jugular and will do all in its power to ensure that justice is served. Wet Nose welcomes public support at the trial to ensure that this beautiful animal did not die in vain.
Wet Nose thanks all those who supported Muffin through e-mails, calls and their presence at Homeless Animals Day. You touched his life and made a difference to his last days on this earth. Muffin’s ashes will be returned to Wet Nose. A painting of Muffin will be put up in the entrance to the Wet Nose offices in his memory. This will serve as a reminder to each and every one of us what we are fighting against and to NEVER give up the fight for abused and abandoned animals; to stay strong no matter what the challenges. Together, we can do this. Muffin would have wanted it.
6 MAY 2008
Muffin at Valley Farm Vet Clinic in High Care
Our proud Muffin two months later in his foster home playing in the field.
Fighting to live: 7 May 2008
Muffin receiving his award on Homeless Animals day. With him, his foster
mom: Anne, his godmother: Lyn of Wet Nose patron: Micheal de Pinna, Taryn from Royal Canin and Wet Nose president, Tracy
Muffin and Inspector Le Roux sharing a moment, a special bond of love and trust.
FEBRUARY 2009. 3:00PM