Thursday, April 30, 2009
I Name Thee…
How do we chose our pets names? Is it by their individual personalities? Or do we choose a random adorable sounding word or expression that will add to our affections? Is a common method of choice the old fall back of universally cute names such as fluffy, spot and butch that just seem to ‘fit’ your pets so well? Is there a creative flair when we decide to name our pets with syllabic similarities? This process can be arduous at times, for there are many accounts where the name of the animal, is his name, such as kitty, or sausage (for sausage dogs, ofcourse). And many people seem to find that historical figures seem to embody their animals personalities. There is also the possibility that we humans suffer from wishful thinking, calling our beloved pets Einstein, Hercules and Merlin will not turn them into a genius, a hero, or a magical wise man respectively. I repeat they will not grow into their names, and no matter how often you imagine to find them display characteristics, it is coincidental, not fated.