Why and when you should get health insurance are two very important questions to ask yourself and your insurer before your take out any insurance cover. And when it comes to your pet’s health cover these are still the two primary questions of importance. With your pet and their health as your number one priority you need to know that your insurance package will be what your need when you need it without giving you any hassles.
Medipet can assure you that they will be there when you need them to be and will be there for you and your pet with the right insurance cover as you need it. Medipet offers you comprehensive health insurance that will cover your dog and/or cat for their specific health requirements.
Medipet also takes health insurance that extra step further and will be right by your side to offer their help if your beloved animal were ever to go missing. Medipet will help you to pay for a reward for up to R1000 per annum for your dogs and will also pay out for advertising to help you find your missing pet.
With health insurance cover from Medipet you can have peace of mind and be sure that your pet’s health cover is in good hands.