Looking for a pet holiday? – do you just want a break from being at home and taking care of the day to day routines and need somewhere safe for your animals to be while you are away? Well there are many kennels and catteries right across South Africa and there are sure to be some in your vicinity but when you are looking for the best place for your animal to stay for their pet holiday there are some things that you should look into.
Here are two aspects of your pet’s holiday needs to look out for when choosing a kennel or cattery for your pet: find out whether or not your pet will be getting the necessary exercise and attention. Your dog will still need to be playing and burning off their energy with exercise and walking so find out from kennels if they do offer dog walking as part of their services. A second concern is when it comes to house trained dogs and cats – they may not want to do their business indoors and they might not be used to using a litter tray so they will need to be let out to an outdoor area on a daily basis during their pet holiday stay.