Our pets show us year round unconditional love and we as devoted owners want to be able to show them the same love in return, and what better way to do so than to ensure that their health and medical well being is provided for? With Medipet insurance you can cover your pet form the very young age of just 8 weeks and their Medipet insurance cover will last them for their entire life.
Medipet insurance is the surest way of protecting your pet’s health and your pocket if anything unexpected were to happen and your pet was in dire need of veterinary attention. For just R115 per month for your cat and R125 per month for your dog you Medipet insurance will be as devoted as you are to ensuring that your pet is medically covered and kept in tip top health.
Medipet insurance also knows that insurance cover is much more than just paying for medical bills and your Medipet insurance package will therefore also be there for you and your pet in the form of support to help find your animal if they ever do go astray and are missing. You can’t go wrong with Medipet insurance tasking care of you financially and looking out for your pet’s health needs!