It is that time of the year again and spring is in the air! And with spring comes new life and lots and lots of puppies! So it is a good time to chat about and even seriously consider puppy adoption! If you are one of those people (just like me!) who for years has been talking about and nagging friends about wanting a dog then seize the opportunity and adopt a cute, cuddly little pup this year!
Puppy adoption is something that will give both you and your new pup great joy – you will both gain an unconditionally loving best friend and through the puppy adoption you will also be able to give a wonderful home to an adorable little creature! Puppy adoption is a wonderful experience (so I am told) but it does need to be done with some careful thought and through the right channels. Be sure that when you do go into puppy adoption that you are not adopting a puppy from the likes of an illegal puppy mill, if you suspect something illegal alert the SPCA and before you do adopt your puppy be sure to talk to your vet and also check out your local SPCA and animal shelters for puppy adoptions – you may find your new best friend is already waiting for you!