Hi everyone,
Please please please help this worried dog owner: Zoë has gone missing and they are desperate to get her back.
My name is Zoë, here is a picture of me when I was a lot younger. I am now 4 years old. I am a spayed female German Shepard X Collie. I jumped over my wall on Saturday night, 1st Sept, I know my family is terribly worried about me and sad that I am missing.
Please help me find my way home You can call my owners 021 712 7769 or 072 539 3439 or you can take me to the SPCA in Grassy Park or the Southfield Vet.
Zoë went missing in the Plumstead / Southfield area, she is wearing a collar, but no tag. She is the size of a Border Collie with the colouring of a German Shepard.