Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Worried cat owner: getting the answers

Hello everyone,

We got an email today from a worried cat owner regarding pet health, and I thought that we should share this information with everyone just in case you are going through the same problem. There is nothing worse than worrying about your pet and not knowing what to do - thank goodness there is always someone that you can ask!

This was the query:

I am sending this email trying to find out what is wrong with my 1 year old female cat. She started moaning yesterday and seemed very restless. A short while later we noticed she was bleeding from her behind. At first I thought that she might be on heat and that it's not serious but now I'm not so sure anymore. Although she hasn't been eating as much over the last 2days, her nose is still wet and she does not seem ill but the bleeding has gotten a lot worse. I live far from town and have no transport to get her to a vet but I do not want anything to happen to her either. Can you possibly advise me and set my mind at rest? She is very lovable and almost human in a way and this is the first time that I have seen so much blood from an animal on heat. Is it normal?

Our great team vet nurse got on the case immediately with a helpful pet health response:

We need to find out if the cat is spayed, if so then it could be a bladder infection in which case she needs to take her to the vet quite urgently.
If she isn’t spayed then it sounds like she is in season. The calling/wailing noise that they make is normal and their appetite does decrease. The bleeding normally lasts between 5 – 6 days. It is best to keep the cat indoors so she does not become pregnant or get hurt in the process. There will be a lot of tom cats around at this time and fights are a common occurrence.
If she is still worried having her checked over is definitely recommended.

We all hope that this information was useful. If you have a query, don't keep quite! Especially when it is pet health at stake. Email us at medipetblog@gmail.com and we'll give you all the answers.