Hi everybody,
This is to announce that we are now opening the PET FAQ section on this blog. Simply email all of your queries relating to pet care, pet health, medical issues and more to us at medipetblog@gmail.com and we’ll get the whole team onto it straight away! There is nothing more frustrating than having to wait in long queues at the vet, or not knowing exactly what you have to do to help your pet when they are ill – so take advantage of this forum today and get all of the information that you require for free.
We’re trying to build the SA pet community through interactive blog postings, so please send us your pet pictures and stories so that we can share them with the rest of the world. The Pet FAQ section will be able to provide you with reliable advice and great tips to help you to provide your pet with superior care. Cats and dogs nowadays are being elevated to family member status, and as such it is essential that you provide them with the same love and attention that you would your children – after all, your pup grows up to think that he’s one of the kids anyway!
Now that our SA PET LOVERS blog is in full swing you can bookmark this site and check back every day for advice, tips, stories, pictures, jokes, pet faq and much more! Every day there will be a new addition to the postings, including pet profiles, vet advice, general tips, community events and other information for your cats and dogs.