Pet assistance is something that all of us loving pet owners need at some stage. Whether we need assistance with our own pets, if we want to help out a neighbour or if we have found a stray animal, it is good to know who and where to go to for good and reliable pet assistance. We must also remember that as much as we may at times need assistance with our animals the organisations that offer their services can very often also do with our help.
In South Africa there are a number of reliable places and caring people that offer pet assistance services. In Cape Town there is the Cat Assistance Team (CAT) that looks after cats in and around Pollsmoor and aims to give care to the feral cats in the Cape Town area. There is also The Emma Animal Rescue Society (TEARS), which accommodates and looks after stray and injured animals. There is the South African Mass Animal Sterilization Trust (SAMAST) which aims to provide and fund sterilization services in disadvantaged areas and there is of course the well known SPCA which is a long standing organisation that strives to make the lives of animals and pet owners the best that it possibly can by offering its pet assistance services. Look after your pet when you invest in your very own pet insurance policy from MediPet.