Have you just recently brought a gorgeous new puppy into the home? Well then you have probably realised that you need to teach your pup a few things to make them more house and people friendly. Puppy training usually includes the essential basics of teaching your pup not to poop and pee inside the house, to stop nipping and to interact well with other dogs, people or children.
When you start your puppy training decide early on what you are willing to accept and what you are not willing to accept in your house. Consistency and fairness is an absolute key factor to successfully training your puppy in the ways that will be best for both you and the little pup. Also remember that a new puppy is like a little kid – dogs ages are seven times that of their human ages so don’t expect more from a 1 year old dog than you would from a 7 year old child.
The words you choose to use to communicate with your puppy during puppy training are the words you will use to communicate with them for the rest of their lives so make sure that you use good, clear and simple words with your puppy that you will still feel fine using with them when they are all grown up.