Dear Readers,
The benefits of having a pet blog like our one here at SA Pet Lovers is that you can get sound advice from our resident vet nurse regarding the health of your pet. The internet is a growing enterprise that allows you to get fast, free advice regarding your pet in just a few moments - the perfect way to calm down a panicky pet owner when s/he doesn't know what's wrong with their cat or dog. Over the last seven months we have dispensed personal tips and information to everyone who has emailed us looking for help, and now we are going to publish forthcoming queries on this blog forum to provide the South African pet owners community with all of the extra help that they can get!
Don't forget, you can email us here at for reliable advice from a qualified veterinarian nurse, and ensure that your pet is always in good hands when you have the best pet insurance for complete peace of mind. This is just another way that MediPet SA is making sure that the SA pet owning community gets all of the help that they need! This pet blog exists for its readers, so don't hesitate to drop us an email or post a comment - or even just send us pictures of your furry family! We look forward to hearing from you!