The SPCA is holding its annual “Mutt of the Year” competition on Sunday the 16th of March 2008 - that is in two days time. The competition is open to any one who owns a mixed breed dog, or mutt, and is a competition that requires no formal dog training. It is a great way to show off your dog and their beauty, their character and is a wonderful opportunity to spend the day in the company of other mixed breed dogs with their loving owners. Categories in the competition include:
Dog with the longest tail
Animal/Owner look-alike (both looks & personality)
Bark like a dog
Best Pup and the prestigious title of Mutt of 2008
Mutt of the year competitions are quite widely held and they celebrate the love for your dog no matter what kind of mixed breed he or she happens to be, whether they have had dog training or not. Specific breed dogs can be beautiful and are acknowledged for their usual grace and beauty but there is nothing like a ‘pavement special’ or a mixed breed and the extra special animal character that comes from a loving and lively mutt.
For more information contact the SPCA on (021) 700-4141 / 082-921-3347 or visit their website at for information and entry forms.