Turning up with red itchy spots can be rather horrifying. The worst seems to ramble on through your mind – from all kinds of diseases, to all kinds of insect bites. But then it dawns on you that yesterday your beloved friend – your cat or dog – was scratching rather vigorously. And suddenly you realize you share the same symptoms as you spot a suspicious jumping black grain of rice. Suddenly you have got it – your red spots and your pets scratching have a common cause…the flea.
Getting rid of fleas can be quite a task. But if left unhandled the problem can escalate into your pets developing skin rashes and they will even resort to pulling out their own fur to quell the itching. The pesky insects are external parasites that bite into the skin to feed off of blood. They cause more irritation than harm but they do need to be gotten rid of to prevent any larger scale problems.
Your local vet can help in your battle to beat the fleas. Remedies against fleas range from tablets, to anti-flea and tick shampoos, to sprays or drops and even anti-flea collars are available to make your pet’s and your life that much more enjoyable without the unnecessary worrying about redness and itching from this pesky little parasite.
Just remember: baby cats and dogs need to have special flea-removing shampoo or cream, so check with your vet if they have anything suitable.