Looking around at pet stores and thinking about animal adoptions got me wondering about just who it is that adopts and gets to take an animal home? I mean what type of person is it that adopts animals as pets. Can just anybody decide that they are going to be responsible for an animal or are there more serious implications to who can ‘own’ an animal?
Beyond the charm of the idea of having an animal to call your own, pet adoption comes with real responsibility. Taking proper care of your pet means a lot more than just ensuring a dry warm place sleep with the occasional meal. Animals – like humans – need company, attention and proper feeding routines. It is fine to say that you love your pet but love extends into proper care. When adopting an animal the first things to take into consideration are whether or not you can properly care for your animal. If you have a big enough space for your pet to live in, if you can afford the veterinary costs should your vet need medical assistance, and whether or not you can provide the necessities for your animal.
There are real bonuses to pet adoption though. While giving a loving home to an animal you gain a friend who loves you unconditionally, while you can give the same kind of love right back.