Just because you do not have a garden, does not mean that you cannot have a pet of you own! Many animals can thrive living indoors. What a pet really needs is lots and lots of love and care.
Although certain animals do extremely well living as indoor pets you need to think practically about the needs of the specific animal before you decide to keep him or her inside. If the pet in question is a large dog that needs space to run around in or if it is an animal that needs grass and outdoor space, then for obvious and practical reasons, the pet should be able to roam freely in the space and the safety of their own garden.
Keeping a cat as indoor pets is more common than keeping dogs indoors but if your dog is small enough you dog can do as well living inside. With a pet living indoors it also means that your animal might not be getting as much exercise as they would be getting outdoors. Having another pet for company and by playing with your animals you can keep them alert and stimulated. You will however need to keep a cat litter tray and to prevent your cat from scratching on your furniture - you may need to get hold of a scratching post!