Monday, September 24, 2007

A follow up to the barking dog bylaw

Last week I appealed to our readers to provide us with information regarding the new barking dog bylaw. It turns out that this law was proposed in last week’s Saturday Argus. I got hold of a copy of this week’s Argus and read the follow up article.

The gist of the article set out that there had been a mixed bag of responses from the public regarding this new law. On the one hand, there was a huge amount of hate mail from the kind of dog owners that were deeply concerned about dog health issues and the fact that their dogs’ lives were at stake. On the other hand, there were a number of organizations that supported the law so as to prevent cruelty to animals as there are a vast number of animals being put down daily due to the excess of numbers.

In response, the powers that be have decided to reconsider their idea of impounding barking dogs, and have instead favored the idea of providing barking dog owners with a hefty fine. So what are you supposed to do? There are a number of awful devices that you can use to silence your barking dogs through electronic pulses, but these seem to be unnaturally cruel to the very nature of your dog being a dog.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to get all of the mothers out there to put their screaming babies outside when it comes to supper time, or just-can’t-go-to-sleep time and see if there is a new screaming baby bylaw. Seriously though, when dog health is at stake, it is no laughing matter. There is another aspect to this law, covered in this week’s poll, regarding the number of dogs that are allowed to be kept in any one property. I shall address this issue tomorrow.

Please feel free to send me your comments or opinions.