Monday, September 10, 2007

Poll Results

Good morning South Africa! (It sounds like Groundhog Day, doesn’t it?)

The results of our first poll are in! The question was where did you get your pet? And the results:

55% from a private breeder
11% from a pet shop
33% from an adoption agency

Most of the pet owners that I know are the kind of people who prize their pets as members of the family, so I expected that the majority of the vote would lean towards the private breeder option – but I must add that I was surprised that 33% got their pets from adoption agencies! That’s great news for abandoned cats and dogs in South Africa.

There are a number of great adoption agencies in South Africa – Wet Nose being one of the finest around because they take an active interest in their animals, and update their website regularly to keep visitors informed about when animals get adopted and more.

Private breeders, on the other hand, are also a great place to get your pet from because you will get a complete family tree history for your puppy or kitten – peace of mind is essential when you are adding a new addition to your family.

Thank you so much for voting, it was definitely a pleasant eye-opener. Place your votes for this week – this is a great new question that should pose some fun results next Monday: How often do you brush your pet’s teeth?!